Our staff of professionals are committed to assessing and treating each patient to ensure the best outcome and fastest recovery. The various Programs offered include:
Hand Therapy
- Treatment by Certified Hand Specialists
- Treat surgical and non-surgical upper extremity injuries and dysfunctions at all four therapy locations
- Custom splinting available
Knee and Shoulder Orthopaedics
Sports Medicine
- Treat athletes, recreational, and weekend warriors at all four locations
- Look for the AOS Physical Therapy booth display during various area events!
- DARTFISH Assessment – at our Center Drive location
Spine Rehabilitation
- McKenzie Approach, a standardized approach to both the assessment and treatment of low back pain and/or leg pain.
- Stabilization and Postural Training
- Including Back School Education
Foot and Ankle Program
- Custom Foot Orthotic fabrication available at our Camelot location in Norfolk (soon to expand to our Princess Anne location!)
- Gait and Running Video Assessment using DARTFISH – at our Center Drive location
Total Joints
- Knee, hip, and shoulder
Return to Work Program
- For the injured worker – Workers’ Compensation
- Testing available at our Camelot location
- On-site job analysis
- Work Conditioning at all four locations, performing job simulation tasks in preparation to return to work